
Round 1: Wireframes

Round 2: Branding

Final Logo Design

Round 3: Prototyping

I started with “earth-y” interface design but quickly felt like it was too vibrant and distracting for the comic. It felt disconnected from the branding as well.

Round 4: Improving the Prototype

After re-evaluating the prototype, I designed something that was simpler and clashed less with the web comic illustrations. Now, the prototype corresponded with the branding and felt easier to navigate, according to user testing.

Character Design

I envisioned the left characters to be the starters with the basic outfits each player starts with. The right side characters are an example of character who have made progress and were able to customize theirselves with their achievements.

Comic Panels

The comic panels are layered to allow myself to incorporate movement within the experience of the interface.


The animals were drawin to look more endearing, encouraging a stronger bond and connection between the user and the animals.

Round 5: Poster Sketches

Round 6: Final Poster

The final deliverable can be viewed here